Edmund Rice Camps - Dunedin
Mo nga Tamariki - For the children
​Edmund Rice Camps Dunedin have been running since 1991.
We provide fun, laughter, new experiences and challenges for children in a loving, caring environment. Our camps provide a break for children who need a holiday from their family, financial or social circumstances.
YOUTH CARING FOR YOUTH - Young Leader Volunteers aged 17 - 25.
We provide a residential camping experience for children and families in need
The cost to families is $30.00
Acceptance for children and leaders is dependant on available space and funding
Drop off and collection takes place at Trinity Catholic College, Tennyson St, Dunedin.
What makes ERC special​
The child/leader ratio is 1:1
The children and leaders have fun and work co-operatively in a team environment
Completely staffed by volunteers aged 17 - 25
Children receive unconditional affirmation and support
There are no religious activities on ERC Dunedin.

New Zealand - Dunedin, Auckland
Melbourne, Tasmania, Victoria, Perth
Adelaide, Brisbane, Townsville